In late 2021, the music industry came together to launch the Music Industry Review on sexual harm, sexual harassment and systemic discrimination to identify key issues facing the industry and determine what needs to be done to create positive and sustainable change.
The industry is launching a national survey as part of the Review, on Monday 30 May. If you work in the industry, we need to hear from you. Your stories, opinions and observations will help create safer and more inclusive workplaces in which we can all thrive.
How you can help:
- Complete the survey:
- Share this email with your colleagues, employees and industry connections and ask them to complete the survey
- Spread the word on your social media profiles. You’ll find examples of posts you can use on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, here (
The survey will close on Monday 20 June and the Report and recommendations for reform will be published in August.
Thank you for your support.