Live and Local

Working with venues

Live and Local events aim to showcase venues to the public and demonstrate to the venue owners how live music can complement their business.

Promoting best practice principles demonstrates to venue owners that a simple approach to live music can enhance their business, as well as put them in the hub of the creative community.

Where to start

Directly approach each venue by phone and ask the owner/manager for a meeting to discuss the event idea. Before meeting face-to-face, prepare a good brief of the event include maps and state which other venues you’re looking to include. It’s important at this stage that the venues feel comfortable with the professionalism of the event.

Outline that this is at no cost to the venue, it is about supporting them, the artists and creating opportunities for venues to:

  • Engage with a broader customer base
  • Further engage with the music community
  • Gain media exposure
  • Learn about live music programming
  • Learn about production that will work for their venue

Explain that you are hoping the venue will see programming live music as a success and they will look at hosting more live music in the future.

In the lead up to the event limit the contact made with the venue to essential information and documentation only – remember they have a business to run.