
The Independent Review into Sexual Harm, Sexual Harassment and Systemic Discrimination in the National Music Industry has recently commenced.

For more information and updates on the review go to

As part of this work the independent review team has begun a national consultation process to listen to your stories, experiences, observations and suggestions for change in an industry that the whole world benefits from.

YOUR VOICE MATTERS.   By contributing to the review, your voice, which may have been silenced in the past, will be elevated. Your voice will help shape the findings and recommendations of the review and importantly, influence reform across the contemporary music industry.  You can have your say safely, confidentially and anonymously.

The review is a broad review of the workplace culture of the contemporary music industry through the lens of sexual harm, sexual harassment and systemic discrimination. It is not examining individual instances or complaints of these behaviours. The review is seeking the participation of music industry professionals, including song writers and composers, artists and performers, crew, agents, members of the live touring companies and record labels, promoters, employees of record companies, managers, publishers, venue managers and staff and company executives.

There are several ways you can participate in the review, and you may select one or more of the following options:

  1. Registering for a focus group – To register for a focus group please go to
  2. Booking a confidential one on one interview –
  3. Sending a confidential written submission – Written submissions can be emailed confidentially to:
  4. Participating in the confidential survey – details to follow in the coming months

The review is open to all voices. These include those who may have experienced sexual harm, sexual harassment and systemic discrimination, those who may have been bystanders to these behaviours, and those who want to share their observations and insights.

As far as possible, the review team will endeavour to accommodate individuals’ needs throughout the review process (eg accessibility needs; language needs; gender preferences for focus group facilitators and interviewers).

For more information and updates on the review go to