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Surry Hills hosts a swath of local musos as the Sydney Fringe Festival kicks off

The Hills of Surry will come alive on the afternoon of Sun Aug 31 when the Sydney Fringe Festival officially kicks off with IGNITE: Heat the Street, an official launch event that’s part of National Live Music Office’s new push to bring live music and independent arts back to the centre of Australian culture.

Stroll through Surry Hills as the sun starts to set and enjoy music from local entertainers, who’ll be performing in shop fronts, bars and venues between Foveaux and Devonshire Streets. The lineup includes more than 30 musical acts such as Lime Cordiale (pictured above), All Our Exes Live in Texas, On the Stoop and Gang of Brothers; the gang from Bondi FM will be heading west, too – once you’ve overdosed on live music (not possible, we say), you can check out their pop-up radio station, where they’ll be broacasting live into the evening.

Pop by Trinity Bar – the event’s central hub – for a pint or a meal during the day, and get ready to end up at the White Horse for a closing party hosted by guest curator Ilan Kidron, who’ll be performing with his group the Potbelleez