Live Music Strategies
City of Gold Coast Live Music Taskforce Report
In recent years a great deal of work has been undertaken by the City of Gold Coast to better support the development of the live music industry in South East Queensland.
Back in 2015 the City of Gold Coast engaged Griffith University’s Centre for Cultural Research to undertake research and identify gaps in the provision of live music on the Gold Coast to provide evidence based advice on how these gaps can best be addressed. Griffith University undertook a series of music sector forums, focus groups and one on one interviews. Their ‘Accessing Live Music on the Gold Coast’ report has informed the development of the Draft Live Music Action Plan 2017-2020.
Acting on recommendations from the Live Music Office, the City of Gold Coast Live Music Taskforce was formed to address key regulatory issues affecting the live music sector on the Gold Coast. As part of the process, the Live Music Office has been working closely with Council and the music sector throughout 2017 to support this work, with the Taskforce Report delivered to the Council Economic Development and Major Projects Committee Meeting in June
Read the Live Music Taskforce report and recommendations.
Recommendations include but are not limited to:
New planning overlays across nine precincts
Allowing live music into some light industrial areas
Supporting the development of local musicians
Cutting red tape for live music venues
Extending noise allowances until midnight in some areas
Increasing allowable music volumes in prescribed areas
Recommendations included in this report were considered for inclusion in the final Gold Coast Music Action Plan 2020.