In September 2014, Marrickville Council tabled their vision for the industrial lands adjacent to Sydenham Station.
Two parallel and ongoing pieces of work are focused on these industrial lands – in support of the live music industry, Marrickville and Leichhardt Councils’ work with the City of Sydney’s Live Music Taskforce and Council’s involvement in the Future Cities Program 2014.
Read the Sydenham Station Traditional & Creative Industries Hub Planning Proposal.
The key points of the Sydenham Station Traditional & Creative Industries Hub proposal include:
- Enhances the industrial character with reuse of adaptable buildings to allow traditional industries alongside more forms of creative industry and business especially live music and related uses that support a night economy.
- Improves pedestrian priority by:
- removing one way traffic system
- completing a network of lanes and slow traffic speed on main through routes
- creating multi use space below the brick wall adjacent to railway station
- introducing a green street on Barclay Street
- Exploits the adaptability of industrial buildings by incubating a wider mix of uses
- Creates a sustainability identity with green streets and integrated precinct management of services such as water harvesting, community solar electricity generation, and eco-hub recycling stations.
- Considers short term residential uses such as artist/artisan/key worker in residence or the ‘caretaker flat’ model, in specific locations. It also considers tourist accommodation hotels.
The current state of play with the proposal is that Council:
1. receive and note the report;
2. give in-principle support to the development of a long term vision for revitalisation of the industrial lands adjacent Sydenham Station for traditional industry, creative industry and business with a potential night economy; and
3. consider preparing a Planning Proposal to implement the vision for the precinct when the findings of the Marrickville Employment Lands Study Review and Future Cities Program are completed.