Survey of Live Music Consumers
1. What type of gigs do you attend? (tick all that apply)
• House shows
• Small venues
• Pubs / clubs
• Theatre
• Festivals
• Arena / stadium
• Other
• None
2. Do you identify with particular genres, scenes or subcultures?
3. How do you find out about the gigs you attend?
- Mainstream media
- Community media
- Street press / online gig guides
- Email / other database mail outs
- Internet / web page
- Posters / flyers
- Word of mouth
- Social media
- Other
4. Where do you go to gigs?
- Within 50km of home …%
- Somewhere else in my home State …%
- Somewhere else in Australia … %
- Overseas … %
5. Why do you go to gigs?
6. What do you think live music does for your community?
7. Approximately how much money do you personally spend on your interest in live music each month?
- Tickets / entry fees $…
- Food, beverages and other consumables $…
- Merchandise (including CDs, programs, memorabilia) $…
- Clothes and fashion $…
- Memberships and subscriptions $…
- Fuel, motor vehicle and travel expenses $…
- Phone, internet and communication expenses $…
- Accommodation and related expenses $…
Did you have any other out of pocket expenses related to live music not covered in that list?
$… Expense type …
8. On average, how many hours do you spend on your interest in live music each month:
Please include travel time, attending gigs, and any associated activities.
9. Now think about how the benefits (and costs) of your live music interest impact on your employment.
For example, you might be a happier person, have stronger networks, and have access to certain skills or attributes that all improve on your productivity. On the flip side, you might take a few more days off.
To what extent do you think your live music interest impacts—positively or negatively—on your work performance?
- -5%
- -2%
- -1%
- None
- +1%
- +2%
- +5%
- Other %
10. In 3 years from now, are you more or less likely to be attending live music?
- Much more
- More
- About the same
- Less
- Much less
11. Why don’t people go to (more) gigs?
12. What would make it easier for people to see (more) gigs?
13. Hypothetically, would you be willing to provide additional financial or other assistance (such as a donation of goods, services or time) to encourage more live music in the community?
- Yes
- No
14. Over 12 months, what do you think that assistance could be worth?
Thank you very much for that. Because we are trying to get a representative picture of live music attendance, we would finally like to know a little more about you.
15. What is your gender?
- Female
- Male
- Other
16. How old are you?
- 15 to 24
- 25 to 34
- 35 to 44
- 45 to 54
- • 55 to 64
- • 65+
17. What is your usual postcode of residence?
18. Finally, over the last 12 months, what was your approximate gross annual income? If you live with a partner, please tell us your joint or household income.
- Under ,000 per year (7 per week)
- ,000 to ,999 per year (7-2 per week)
- ,000 to ,999 per year (3-,346 per week)
- ,000 to ,999 per year (,347-,731 per week)
- ,000 to 9,999 per year (,732-,115 per week)
- Over 0,000 per year (,115 per week)
Survey of Live Music Producers
Record where the venue is based
- Sydney
- Melbourne
- Adelaide
- Hobart
1. Why do you host live music?
2. Do you identify with particular genres, scenes or subcultures?
3. How would you describe your business?
- Bar / Pub
- Nightclub
- Live performance venue
- Non-traditional transient events
- Non-traditional permanent venue
4. What is your licensed audience capacity?
Live music people …
Total venue people …
5. How long has your venue or business continuously been promoting live music?
6. How often do you host live music?
7. How many separate shows or line-ups would you normally run a night? If more than one, why?
8. What factors do you think influence audience attendance at your venue / gigs?
9. What is your definition of a ‘good’ night (or event)?
Examples might include audience size, presence of performance, bar sales etc.
10. What do you think are the top contributing factors to whether a night or event is successful?
11. What do you see as the barriers to the success of venues promoting live music in your region?
12. How do you manage external factors that affect your venue or business?
13. In the next twelve months what aspects of your business or venue do you plan to invest in?
14. What was your total venue income over the last 12 months? (This number will be kept anonymous and won’t be individually identifiable)
15. What percentage of this income is from live music events?
16. What percentage of your remaining income derives from your live music reputation or operation?
17. In an average month, how do you promote live music at your venue or business?
19. In the last 12 months, did you receive any unpaid media impressions in Australia or overseas that relate to your events?18. Has this changed in the last three years? If so, how?
Examples might include live music reviews, news articles, editorials, blogs, artist generated content etc
20. How do you compensate artists?
Examples might include guarantees, door deals, bar cuts, riders etc. Where more than one method is used, describe the mix.
21. In the last twelve months, how much did you spend on artist compensation?
22. In the last twelve months what were your other live music related expenses?
- Ordinary staff $…
- Security staff $…
- Consumables (eg food & beverages, merchandise) $…
- Rent $…
- Venue overheads $…
- Insurances $…
- Licences & permits $…
- Capital / infrastructure $…
- Other expenses $…
23. What percentage of your staff are:
- Full-time staff …%
- Part-time staff …%
- Contract staff …%
- Casual staff …%
- Volunteers …%
24. Are there people who work in your venue, but you don’t pay directly? What do they do? Examples might include production crews, merchandisers, promotional staff etc
25. In 3 years from now, do you feel are people more or less likely to be attending live music at your venue / promoted events?
Tick only one
- Much more
- More
- About the same
- Less
- Much less
26. What do you think are the main contributions that live music makes to your community?