On 28th August 2014 Music Victoria presented their Music Industry White Paper/Positions and Priorities to representatives of Government and the Live Music Roundtable
Read the Music Victoria Positions and Priorities paper
The 19 recommendations are grouped under five themes:
1. Celebrate and promote Melbourne as a music city to increase opportunities for Victorian musicians and the broader music sector
1.1 Develop and support initiatives to celebrate and promote Melbourne’s rich music heritage
1.2 Provide support to further develop and coordinate events in November to showcase Melbourne as a music city
1.3 Lodge an application in 2015 for Melbourne to become a UNESCO City of Music
2. Support development of Victoria’s regional music scene to improve economic and social outcomes in the regions
2.1 Hold a Regional Live Music Summit to develop a Plan to stimulate recovery in the regional live music scene
2.2 Establish a dedicated resource or office to implement the Regional Live Music Plan
3. Support development of Victoria’s music sector to increase its capacity to generate positive artistic and economic outcomes
3.1 Support professional development to increase the competitiveness and productivity of the music sector
3.2 Broaden the Victorian Government’s trade mission program to include businesses from the arts and cultural sector
3.3 Advocate for Victoria’s music sector at the national level
3.4 Preference Victorian music in all relevant Victorian Government purchasing
4. Provide targeted financial assistance to foster artistic development and sustainable careers for Victorian musicians
4.1 Implement a quick response grant program to allow musicians to capitalise on career defining opportunities
4.2 Increase the pool of Arts Victoria funding available for contemporary music
5. Continue regulatory reform to reduce red tape impacting Victoria’s music sector.
5.1 Reform the planning system to give the agent of change principle stronger standing
5.2 Reform noise standards and measurements to better protect venue and residential rights
5.3 Implement a state based varia2on to the Building Code of Australia
5.4 Extend liquor licences to trade to 3am on New Year’s Eve