
In 2014 after a robust campaign by The Push and Music Victoria, all ages gigs returned in Victoria. 

Music Victoria described the news and the process in the following article from their news pages –

All ages gigs in pubs are back! After 20 years in the musical wilderness, music lovers of all ages can experience a gig together. Bring your kids, bring your grandparents!

Amendments to the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 allow liquor licensees and permittees to have minors on that part of their premises or authorised premises when –

(i)   a live music event* is being held in accordance with notice given to the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) and prescribed conditions and

(ii)  liquor is not supplied, consumed or made available on that part of the premises.

Previously, there was a $180 fee and a long waiting period to host under 18 gigs in a licensed venue. No longer! To host a mixed-age, alcohol-free gig, licensees simply need to notify the VCGLR at least a week prior to the event.

To give notice to the VCGLR, liquor licensees and permittees must:

Liquor licensees and permittees can notify the VCGLR of up to a maximum of three events in total on this form. There is no fee applicable.

Download the Notification Form here