Live Music & Events

 How long has the venue been presenting live music for and what is the capacity of the venue? 

We have owned the The Gov and been presenting music here for 21 years. Although the venue was opened in 1978 by Psycho Surgeons and Filth.

Capacity is 800 in the venue. Our front bar is licensed for 90.

Hours of operation, nights you have live music?

We are open 10am until midnight and beyond six days a week. Music in the venue is a minimum of four nights a week – often five or six nights.

There is music in the front bar is five nights a week.

Do you have all ages gigs?

We occasionally have licensed all ages gigs.

How do you choose the types of live music you program?

We love good music here at The Gov and don’t distinguish between genres. In fact we thrive on having a varied program, from folk, blues, rock, hip hop, pop and everything else in between.

That’s what makes us who we are.

How does a muso get a gig at your venue?

Many different ways. We contact bands, bands contact us, agents contact us and we contact agents.

What challenges do you face as a venue who presents live music?

Where do I start? Maximising ticket sales is most important to us and the bands. Looking after the bands and the customers by providing a memorable night out in a well maintained, well loved venue.

Having an excellent PA system in the room providing great sound without excessive volume is very important for keeping within our noise control limits.

Most memorable show at your venue?


What makes a great gig?

Audience love. There is nothing better than having 750 people captivated by a band’s performance – the energy is amazing.

How do you use digital and social media in conjunction with traditional advertising?

Digital and social media are utilised more than traditional print advertising by us these days. Having direct access to fans on our database gets information out quickly and cheaply.

I still think radio, posters and well-placed print ads play a major part of promoting shows, especially with audiences over 30.

Ticketing for live shows is changing. How do you mange access and ticketing to your venue?

Ticketing runs very smoothly. We are partnered with Oztix, that provide a flawless service. Customers buy mostly online, occasionally over the counter and tickets are scanned in at the door.